
Texto com exercícios para Câmara e Receita

Olá pessoal,

     Hoje estou trazendo um texto direcionado
principalmente para a Câmara e Receita, as palavras em destaque em negrito são
aquelas que formam o vocabulário específico (terminologia), tentem responder o
significado sozinhos, para testarem seus conhecimentos,no final do artigo, eu
disponibilizo as respostas.

      House Minority
Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., a
member of his party’s Senate leadership, have both
advocated denying the tax cut extension to those making
above $1 million annually. Extending the tax cuts only for households making
below $250,000 costs the government about $800 billion less over 10 years than
extending them for everyone. The full cuts cost the government about $4.5
trillion over a decade.

      Obama was to continue the tax debate
Tuesday during a campaign trip to Iowa. His reelection
team was also promoting the president’s tax policy at a
series of events this week in battleground states, including New Hampshire,
Colorado and Nevada. The Bush-era tax cuts are due to expire at the end of the
year unless Congress votes to extend them. Economists worry that acrosstheboard
tax increases, along with automatic spending cuts also scheduled
to take hold at year’s end, could be a blow to the shaky U.S. economy.

Seeking an electionyear fight over taxes,
President Barack Obama is hitting the road to press Congress to extend tax cuts
for lowand middleincome earners, framing a
debate with Mitt Romney and congressional Republicans over tax
fairness. Obama was making his pitch Tuesday in Iowa, the state
that launched his presidential bid in 2008. He faces a tough
contest there against Romney this fall.


Ainda que você não vá fazer Receita ou Câmara, procure fazer os
exercícios, pois em Língua estrangeira, todo vocabulário é bem-vindo. Os alunos
que estão fazendo o curso para a Câmara aqui no Estratégia encontrarão na
ultima aula (05), um simulado com um texto semelhante a este, bem como dois
glossários com termos legislativos.

Fiquem com Deus sempre,

Ena Smith

[email protected]
[email protected]

Resposta dos


House Minority Leader – líder da minoria na Câmara

Party’s Senate leadership – membro da liderança do Partido no Senado

Campaign trip – viagem de
campanha, turnê de comícios

Re-election team – equipe de reeleição

Congress – Congresso, corpo de governo

Tax policy – política fiscal

Election-year fight over
taxes –
ano de eleição de luta fiscal

Congressional Republicans – republicanos do Congresso ou
congressistas republicanos

Pitch – discurso,
lábia, papo de vendedor

Presidential BID – candidatura presidencial

Vocabulário Receita:

Tax cut extension – prorrogação da redução de imposto

Tax debate – debate fiscal

Across-the-board tax increase – aumento de
impostos geral

Low- and middle income – baixa e média renda

Tax fairness – equidade fiscal

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