Categorias: Concursos Públicos

Teste seus conhecimentos

Olá pessoal,

Atendendo a
pedidos hoje trago exercícios CESPE, quem está se preparando para os concursos
das Agências Reguladoras tais como: ANATEL, ANVISA, ANAC. Aproveite! Segue o
texto e duas questões, dos que me mandarem email até hoje eu escolherei um para
ganhar uma gift…;) Tem que explicar o julgamento da questão, não vale só o
gabarito, vamos lá…hora de praticar …

( Especialista
em Regulação e Vigilância Sanitária – Especialidade: Farmácia – ANVISA – 2004 –

Food control
systems: integrated farm-to-table concept

1 The objective
of reduced risk can be achieved most effectively by the principle of prevention
throughout the production, processing and marketing chain. To achieve
consumer protection, it is essential that safety and quality be built into food
products from production through to consumption.

This calls for
a comprehensive and
integrated farm-to-table approach in which the
producer, processor, transporter, vendor, and consumer all play a vital role in
ensuring food safety and quality.

10 It is
impossible to provide adequate protection to the consumer by merely sampling
and analyzing the final product. The introduction of preventive measures at all

13 stages of the
food production and distribution chain, rather than only inspection and
rejection at the final stage, makes better economic sense, because unsuitable
products can be

16 identified
earlier along the chain. The more economic and effective strategy is to entrust
food producers and operators with primary responsibility for food safety and

19 Government
regulators are then responsible for auditing

performance of
the food system through monitoring and surveillance activities and for
enforcing legal and regulatory

22 requirements. Food
hazards and quality loss may occur at a variety of points in the food chain,
and it is difficult and
 expensive to
test for their presence. A well-structured, preventive approach that controls
processes is the preferred method for improving food safety and quality. Many
but not

28 all potential
food hazards can be controlled along the food chain through the application of
good practices i.e. agricultural, manufacturing and hygienic.

<> (with adaptations).

According to
the text above, judge the following items.

16 The sentence
“it is essential that safety and quality be built into food products” (
R.4-5) follows
the same structure as it’s vital that he go straight to the house.

17 “their
presence” (
R.25) refers to food hazards and quality loss.


Se você está encontrando dificuldades em entender o texto e responder as questões, não fique triste, ao invés disso estude! No EuVouPassar você encontra um curso de questões comentadas CESPE e aqui no Estratégia dois cursos CESPE: ANATEL e Câmara dos Deputados.

Segue o link:

Forte abraço,

Ena Smith

Ena Smith

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